We Are More Sensitive to Small Losses & Gains

We Are More Sensitive To Small Losses & Gains

The Prospect Theory

  • So, if you want to be happy, have lot of small profits, when you have a loss take one big loss.
  • [[The Ideal Trading Mindset]] says that an amateur trader mindset involves getting lot of small gains but take one big loss. This is a pleasure seeking mentality. THe professional traders lose a lot small amount but make one big profit once in a while. Hence override this pleasure seeking mentality.
  • Small Bet : Many small bets. Limited Upside Potential. Small downside potential.
  • Big Bet : One large bet. Unlimited Upside Potential. Big downside potential.
  • Small Bet has asymmetry. ( Antifragility )

==We are programmed to avoid discomfort, but we need it to get better.==

  • Prospect Theory + Consistency Bias gives insight.


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